What's Inside Each Research Brief
Origin Story
Since I started my first business at 16 years old in 1998, I've always been fascinated by people who seem to create more impact in their careers than thousands of other people combined.
I was that "cool" kid who used to go to Barnes & Noble on weekends and buy a bundle of biographies on people like Bill Gates, Jeff Bezos, and Michael Dell. I wanted to know their secrets. More specifically, I wanted to know how their minds worked so that I could apply their lessons learned to my life, business, and career. And more than anything, I wanted my life to make a dent in the universe.
This curiosity hasn't left me. I still wonder...
How is it possible that Elon Musk came to the United States with nothing when he was a teenager and then went on to build four world-changing, multi-billion dollar companies in completely different industries by just his mid-forties?
Or what does self-made billionaire Ray Dalio really mean when he says...
Over many years of experience and research, I developed a knack for:
As a result, my businesses generated millions of dollars in revenue by the time I was 30. Our worldwide road tour helped tens of thousands of college students start their first business. My articles on the learning secrets of Elon Musk, Bill Gates, Oprah Winfrey, Thomas Edison, and Warren Buffett have been read millions of times.
How We Study Success Is Broken
I invest about 100 hours per month in deliberate learning and research studying and interviewing the top entrepreneurs, investors, researchers, and psychologists in the world. This comes to about 1,200 hours per year, which is over 25,000 hours in the last 22 years, which is when I started. I’ve read over 1,000 books about network science, decision-making, learning how to learn, habits, expert performance, communication, entrepreneurship, investing, and mental models. I’ve personally interviewed hundreds of top experts in these fields.
About 10 years ago, I started to switch more of my focus to the skill of Learning How To Learn. My logic was simple... if I'm spending so much time learning, why don't I just study it. When I started I thought that maybe I could double my learning speed. This alone would be huge. I would get double the value from my next 25,000 hours of study. I now believe I have at least 10x'd my learning speed. And, I've been teaching thousands of professionals to learn faster too through my courses and 150,000+ through our free Learning How To Learn Facebook group.
One of the big jumps in my learning abilities came from realizing that there are big holes in how we collectively study success and who we choose to learn from. Chief among them...
It is when I narrowed down my research to a specific group of self-made billionaires and got specific on primarily studying their thinking skills that my life really changed. I saw a unique pattern of thinking, copied it, and immediately got way better results than I ever had before. I now had models and systems, rather than an ad-hoc approach.
Featured Self-Made Billionaires
To narrow down the group to the right people to study, we very deliberately selected for people who are successful because of skill, not because of luck, inheritance, network, or celebrity. We identified the top handful of entrepreneurs, investors, and business people in the world, and then we studied their learning patterns.
To my surprise, the criteria actually worked way better than I expected. The group of people we chose had a very unique approach to learning and making decisions. Furthermore, copying their approach has made me smarter than anything else that I've done.
Below are the criteria we used...
Through this criteria, I narrowed down the list of 2,000 self-made billionaires in the world to approximately 50 people like:
My favorite thing to do in the world is to learn, apply what I learn to get a result, and then teach others so they get the same result.
That's why, throughout my whole career, I've read thousands of books and started education companies that have generated millions of dollars in revenue and impacted millions of people. More specifically...
I spent over one hundred hours digging through every single interview he did, as well as every single book that mentioned him…
And I discovered 10 rare and valuable ideas he has, which have helped him to :
I share these ideas in the Elon Musk Billionaire Brief, and a lot more.
Here’s a sneak peek of this exclusive brief…
To get a deeper understanding of Jeff Bezos’ thinking beyond cliche sound bites, I read every shareholder letter that Bezos has written multiple times, every annual report from, and nearly every interview that Bezos has done over the last 25 years.
As I spent more time studying Bezos, I noticed that there is a deeper level to Bezos’ thinking beyond what is reported in the media.
By the end of this exclusive brief, you will have a toolkit to make dramatically better decisions across every area of your life, so that you can start thinking like Jeff Bezos. Here’s what included:
And much more...
When you sign up, you will get the Elon Musk research brief for free.
In LESS than an hour: You’ll be making better decisions, understanding the world better, and making better predictions and estimates about what’s going to happen.