Hi, my name is Michael Simmons. You probably arrived here because you read my post about 8 things that self-made billionaires do differently.
If you're like me, you want something instantly actionable - like a checklist, a powerful decision making tool that billionaires like Charlie Munger uses. As a special gift, a friend and I put together a 5-page report that helps you make better decisions faster and easier through checklists.
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In medicine, aviation, engineering, and other industries, whole teams at large companies are dedicated to creating and refining checklists. That’s how important checklists can be. This report will help you put the power of checklists to use in your organization!
It includes 3 goodies:
We provided more context on good vs. bad checklist design, the two fundamental types of checklists, and other considerations when creating checklists.
You need to know when, how and where to use checklists. We created a list of three questions to guide your thinking in your checklist creation process.
So that you can get further inspired, we provided additional examples and resources.
There isn’t one. I love building relationships with people, and I think one of the best ways to start a relationship is by giving.
I'm a writer, connector, and entrepreneur.
I write for Forbes, HBR, Inc., and the Huffington Post on the art & science of authentic relationship building online. I write longform seminal articles that use vulnerable storytelling and deep research. My aim is to expose new ways of seeing the world that are immediately useful. I believe that how we build relationships in the future will be fundamentally different than it is now. I write about this shift. You can learn more about me at http://michaeldsimmons.com/bio.
Special thank you Ian Chew for the research assistance on this report.
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